Sunday, March 20, 2005

Eide Neurolearning blog - I am *such* a fan!

I just stumbled onto this blog while updating some education links on my website and ... it's very interesting stuff! Right now, we're moving forward on so many different fronts when it comes to brain research, brain development, and learning. While many parents are working on how we get little Billy to not throw his peas and how *do* you get them to be polite and have good values, a lot of other parents are working on how they get their Asperger's/Autistic kids to make eye contact, and how they get their dyslexic kids to work on reading when their brains don't work that way. Tons of other kids are just flat-out getting drugged -- even though new studies have shown a terrifying increase in suicides which has been pinned onto use of antidepressant and even ADHD drugs. Wierd stuff. In my opinion, it's up to parents to keep an eye on the new research -- and this is a great way. The Eide's write down all of the new stuff that they read and discover about how the brain works. They stick it on their blog, and then they have some handy dandy summaries of, say autism archives, gifted archives, dyslexia archives, sensory processing archives, and attention archives. I took a look at one of their postings and was utterly entranced to hear the theory that some ADHD brains are really motivated by money, so hooking children like this up with entrepreneurial mentors might be great for them. It just seems to me that this is such a wonderful way to think. Out of the box in many ways. Loved it.


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