Sunday, March 13, 2005

The classics and your kid

OK, so people think I'm wierd because my kid doesn't know who the ninja turtles are, but loves to play "Orion, the mighty warrior." Tough. Virtually all of the good kid's stuff today is profoundly derivative -- of what? CLASSICS. Heck, every good writer steals from the classics! So might as well start learning them early. I just found a wonderful site with a man who tells classical stories. I found this from the wellschooledmind website, which is homeschoolers teaching their children the classics. Another really cool thing that my son and I just found, during our Baba Yaga extravaganza last week (and seriously, if you don't know who Baba Yaga is, I really don't want to know), is this group's set of Baba Yaga musicals! I have no idea who these folks are, but they are seriously creative and I laud them. Awesome stuff. Oh my goodness, they even sell Baba Yaga hand puppets! Is that neat or what? I 've been very bummed that I haven't been able to find puppets and such for greek myths -- this is a great start!


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